Aggregate Producers of Wisconsin

Become an APW Legal Defense Fund Contributor

The Aggregate Producers of Wisconsin (APW) Legal Defense Fund is a fund for our efforts to combat onerous laws and regulations that would hurt our industry in Wisconsin.

Donations to this fund go directly into our Legal Defense Fund segregated account to ensure our efforts are secure now and into the future.

Become an APW PAC Contributor

Aggregate Producers of Wisconsin Political Action Committee (APW PAC) is a PAC fund for the Aggregate Producers of Wisconsin.

A PAC fund is organized to aggregate and disperse individual contributions on behalf of its members.


Donations to fundraising events are made through the APW PAC, and help to increase the visibility of APW’s membership and our legislative interests.

APW reviews all legislative initiatives affecting your right and ability to conduct your business in Wisconsin.

Donate to the APW Legal Defense Fund or APW PAC today!

Personal contributions only for PAC only - no corporate contributions allowed. Legal Defense Fund contributions can be corporate.


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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*Address 1
Address 2
Member Type
*Amount ($USD)
*Donation Type
 Payment frequency

Address: PO Box 2157, Madison, WI  53701

Phone: (608)283-2595

Fax: (608)237-2299


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