Aggregate Producers of Wisconsin

Why are Aggregates Important?

Aggregates are raw materials extracted from pits and quarries used extensively in the construction of the roads, bridges, buildings you see and use every day. Aggregates provide the volume, strength, durability and workability that gives designers and contractors the flexibility and reliability needed to meet their design and construction goals – its use also saves a lot of money!

The building blocks of civilization start with aggregates. If the aggregate industry is doing well, Wisconsin is doing well. Rocks Build Wisconsin!

To learn about all of the ways aggregates help build our state, please click here.

Become A Member

New producer membership 50% off for 2025!


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Upcoming events

Thursday, May 08, 2025 12:00 PM • Milford Hills - Johnson Creek, WI

Become a Donor

Donate to APW's Legal Defense Fund to help combat onerous laws and regulations that would hurt our industry. 

Donate to the APW PAC and help increase the visibility of APW’s membership and our legislative interests with elected officials in Wisconsin.

To donate, please click here.


Thank You to Our 2025 Associate Members!

Address: PO Box 2157, Madison, WI  53701

Phone: (608)283-2595

Fax: (608)237-2299


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